Call for Wapuu Design

After CareerCamp2024 and two WordCamps 2019 and 2022, we’re super excited to host the 3rd edition of Kolkata WordCamp 2025 on the 18th of January 2025 at Vivek Tirtha, Rajarhat, New Town, Kolkata. And we want to give our mascot a.k.a Wapuu Da a complete makeover and we want YOU to help us!

WordCamps all over the world have been creating their version of Wapuu to be their mascot. Wapuu is entertaining WordPress users around the globe! 


WordCamp Kolkata is now calling for Wapuu fans to submit your Wapuu design that will represent WordCamp Kolkata 2025.

Designers, illustrators, and Wapuu fans, please join Us!

If you’re thinking what is Wapuu?

WAPUU is the official mascot of all WordCamps. Started with a simple idea in Japan WordCamp to Promote WordPress in 2009, this cute animate creature a.k.a. Wapuu soon became popular worldwide. What started as a local Japanese community initiative soon became a global symbol to unite WordPress lovers.

Since then, many WordCamps all over the World started using their version of WAPUU reflecting the theme of their local community.

The Contest: Wapuu Da in Kolkata

This year, our theme for Kolkata WordCamp is inspired by the vibrant culture and history of our city. We invite you to design a WAPUU that captures the essence of Kolkata, and celebrate the unique spirit of Kolkata through your creative designs!

Guidelines for Your WAPUU Design:

  • Submission is free of charge.
  • Everyone can submit a design; this call is not limited to designers or illustrators only.
  • You can submit as an individual or as a team.
  • Your design should not depict any religious or political figures.
  • Please submit your original design in compliance with copyright laws. If the submission is later known to have been plagiarising others’ works or to have violated any copyrights/trademark laws, it will be excluded from the competition.
  • The winning Wapuu will be widely used everywhere at WordCamp Kolkata 2025, such as on original swag goods, banners, posters, etc.
  • All submissions are to be evaluated by WordCamp Kolkata 2025 organisers.
  • The copyright for the chosen Wapuu shall belong to the original designer, meaning You!
  • WordCamp Kolkata’s design team might modify your original design to suit our needs.
  • Please ensure that your design follows Wapuu guidelines.
  • Keep the essential characteristics of the official WordPress WAPUU mascot intact.
  • The Wapuu design format should be a PNG format.
  • Entries will be evaluated based on creativity, relevance to the theme, and overall visual appeal. The decision of the judging panel is final.

Important Dates:

Application Deadline: 15th October 2024
Winner Announcement: 15th November 2024

The Winner will Get:

  • Your Wapuu will appear in all swags of WordCamp Kolkata 2025.
  • 1 free ticket to WordCamp Kolkata.
  • Shoutout to the WordCamp Kolkata 2025 Wapuu Winner post through the official channel.

Feel free to contact us if you have any queries.

How to Submit:

  • Download the original Wapuu file from here: Please use this file when designing your Wapuu. Please ensure that your design follows Wapuu guidelines.
  • Upload your Wapuu design as a PNG file to the Google form. Use this format:
    • Your First Name (in small caps)_Your 10-digit Contact Number
    • Example: riya_1234567890
  • Please make sure your design is in PNG format and follows the naming convention.


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