
Presenting Bluehost: Our TITANIUM Sponsor

We are happy to Bluehost as our Titanium sponsor for WordCamp Kolkata 2022, learn more from here

A huge shoutout to our Titanium Sponsors – Bluehost, for their generous support in making WordCamp Kolkata 2022 successful. Their cordial support is our strength!

Thank You!

Bluehost is a leading web hosting company, powering up over 2 million websites across the globe since 2003. The team of 750+ has partnered with WordPress and leveraged its power to provide the fastest web-creating methods, intuitive management tools, and advanced marketing solutions in the past 10 years. A dedicated team of engineering experts contributes to developing WordPress CORE full-time, as well. 

And this time, Bluehost has partnered up with us to ensure the #WCKolkata 2022 is a truly memorable experience for everyone who attends. So, don’t miss the chance to meet the team at WordCamp Kolkata 2022 and scale up your web-building experience on WordPress more than ever before.

Get connected with Bluehost on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn

🌟🌟🌟If you want to catch up on everything going on at WordCamp Kolkata, then visit our official website: WordCamp Kolkata 2022. We hope to see you at the event on 17 and 18 December 2022.