Md. Asif Rahman

Md. Asif Rahman

I am a long time WordPress Enthusiast, Serial Entrepreneur and Angel Investor. I am working closely with WordPress since 2004. I am the Founder CEO of ARCom, a media company that does everything in WordPress, helps Enterprise-Level WordPress clients, and serving several Fortune-500 Clients. Not just because my company creates and sale WordPress product, I am a very well spoken, about business in WordPress. I am also Founder of WPDeveloper, an Incubator & Marketplace for WordPress Products. I do read a lot and I write too, I foundered The Tech Journal, The Dhaka Times etc and serving information to millions. I invest and love to help startups and proudly involved with Trance App, Leanplum, FutureStartUp, Geeky Social, Facebook, and several other companies from their early stage. I was CEO of a large WordPress product company weDevs. Among many other things I was an Early Google Glass Explorer, and I appeared in various (100+) WordCamps around the world and spoken at over 25 WordCamps. And most importantly I am a blessed Dad of two super cute little princesses, and husband of a lovely wife! Though I mostly live in Orlando, Florida, but I am originally from Bangladesh.
Interestingly I just retired in 2018, at my 34th birthday, which I announced via a 10,000-word semi-autobiography in HeroPress, which you could read (pain) here –
